Featured guests are still being added. Get your TICKETS now.

Featured Guests’ time slots and or days maybe be subject to change leading up to and possibly during the month of October.

Unforeseen emergencies can arise, as such we can not guarantee every scheduled featured guest will be present. We appreciate your understanding.

Praeclarus Wands DIY Quill Making Class

Join us live as Praeclarus Wands shows us all how to make some beautiful handmade quills! You'll need: 1) Feather quill (Turkey or Goose recommended), at least 12" long, in white or natural colors (i.e. not dyed). 2) A sharp knife. And a "Can Do" attitude :-)

Featured guests are still being added. Get your TICKETS now.

Featured Guests’ time slots and or days maybe be subject to change leading up to and possibly during the month of October.

Unforeseen emergencies can arise, as such we can not guarantee every scheduled featured guest will be present. We appreciate your understanding.